How does it works the Ranger RTH?Updated a year ago
The Ranger's Return To Home (RTH) altitude is around 70ft, and it fluctuates within 5ft so it can be anywhere from 65 to 75 depending on the battery level. It will rise to 70 but as it flies to the Take off point it might lose or gain some altitude. Once it goes into RTH mode, it overrides the obstacle avoidance so it will be flying blindly to the recorded GPS coordinates upon takeoff regardless if there is any obstacle between the drone and the home point. It is flying blind in dead-reckoning mode and will neither detect nor avoid obstacles.
That being said, it is always best to ensure that there are no obstacles from the drone's current location all the way to the home point, if possible to prevent it from crashing into a building or trees when the RTH is engaged. There are 3 ways for the RTH to be triggered: Connection loss between the remote and the drone - after 5 seconds of lost connection, the drone will automatically initiate RTH. Low battery RTH - when the drone reaches low battery, it will return to home automatically. You may cancel the first low battery warning and continue flying but it is not advisable as it is a very good way to lose a drone since it takes into consideration the distance it has to fly to safely come home, etc. And once it reaches critically low power, it will land in place regardless of your commands. Manual RTH command by pressing the RTH button either in the app or the remote's RTH button.